Mil henffych fore wawr
O henffych fore wawr

(Genedigaeth Crist)
Mil henffych fore wawr!
  Daeth Crist i lawr o'r nef,
Mewn gwisg o gnawd, yn faban gwan,
  Boed llon ein cân a'n llef.

Rhown floedd
    hyd entrych nef,
  Yn ngeiriau'r anthem glir,
A ganai'r côr i'w Harglwydd Ior
  Uwch meusydd Bethle'm dir.

"Gogoniant byth i Dduw,
  I ddyn tangnefedd gu,
Ac 'wyllys da yw llais eich Tad,
  Can's ddaeth eich Ceidwad chwi."

Daeth perl o nef y nef
  I'n mysg i'r ddaear lawr;
Mor hoffus yw - ei gaffael sydd,
  I fyrdd yn elw mawr.

Mawr boenau Iesu Grist,
  A'i glwyfau oll y sydd,
Trwy rinwedd mawr
    yr Iawn a r'odd,
  Yn rhoi y caeth yn rhydd.

Trwy'r chwys, a'r goron ddrain,
  A'r bicell fain a'r cur,
Caiff llawer wisgo'r goron aur,
  A chario'r palmwydd îr.

Ein Iesu anwyl ni
  Oddefodd ar y groes,
Yn un heb bechod nac un bai,
  Orlymder angeu loes.

Trwy iddo dalu Iawn,
  Dyhuddwyd llid y nef;
Yn eithaf ing, ac angeu du,
  "Gorphenwyd," waeddai ef.

Gogoniant fyth i'r Tad,
  I'r Yspryd Glân bo clod,
Ac i'r Mab cu a'n prynodd ni
  Byth, byth, bo mawl yn bod.
Mil henffych :: O henffych
entrych nef :: lys y nef
côr i'w Harglwydd Ior :: côr angylaidd cu
Tangnefedd ar y llawr :: I ddyn tangnefedd gu
Ac 'wyllys da :: Ewyllys da
bo clod :: yn un
bo mawl yn bod :: boed mawl cytûn

John Phillips (Tegidon) 1810-77
Y Gwyliedydd 1834

Tôn [MB 6686]:
  Mil Henffych Fore Wawr (Owen Jones 1825-1900)

  Daeth perl o nef y nef
  Ein Hiesu anwyl ni

(The Birth of Christ)
A thousand hails to the morning dawn
  When Christ came down from heaven,
In the clothing of flesh, as a weak baby,
  May our song and our cry be joyful!

Let us give a shout
    up to the vault of heaven,
  In the words of the clear anthem,
That the choir sang to their Sovereign Lord
  Above the fields of Bethlehem's land.

"Glory forever to God,
  To man dear peace,
And good will is the voice of your Father,
  Since your Saviour came."

A pearl came from the heaven of heaven
  Amongst us to the earth below;
How lovely he is - to get him is
  To a myriad a great profit.

The great pains of Jesus Christ,
  And all his wounds are,
Through the great merit of
    the Satisfaction he gave,
  Setting the captive free.

Through the sweat, and the crown of thorns,
  And the sharp spear and the beating,
Many shall get to wear a golden crown,
  And carry the fresh palms.

Our beloved Jesus
  Suffered on the cross,
As one without sin or fault,
  The sharp anguish of the throes of death.

Through his paying of the Satisfaction,
  He appeased the wrath of heaven;
In utmost agony, and black death,
  "It is finished," he shouted.

Glory forever to the Father,
  To the Holy Spirit be acclaim,
And to the dear Son who redeemed us
  Forever, forever, may there be praise.
A thousand hails :: O hail
the vault of heaven :: the court of heaven
choir to their Sovereign Lord :: dear angelic choir
Peace on the earth :: To man dear peace
And good will :: Good will
be acclaim :: the same
may there be praise :: be praise in agreement

tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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